Monday, April 7, 2008

KL International Book Fair

Penat tapi menghiburkan. Berjumpa dengan teman-teman vendor yang pernah bersama-sama aku sewaktu aku di tahun 2001 - 2003. Shopping for books and other media. Many interesting booths such as Karangkraf and Alaf 21, MPH and others. I wish I brought more money to spend especially at MPH booth. I wish...I wish...

Only three lecturers come up. Two from chemistry department and another one from physics. All of them are junior lecturers. Eagerly selected the books with precaution. Supposedly we have with us a biology lecturer. May be the Faculty of Science and Technology wanted to limit the reference for biology which they've thought was enough to cater their student's needs. Or maybe, it is only in KL, why bother? Much better to do selection in Chicago or London book fair or perhaps in Frankfurt book fair? I don't know. I just wish I know....perhaps. Only God knows. Takbir!

My collegue had snaped me a photo of me doing some selections, apparently. Forgot to ask him to send it to me via email or bluetooth. It's a came back event for me though.

By this weekend (11 - 13hb April), there will be duplicating event. KLIBF and PIKOM PC Fair. Which event will have most visitors? I just hope there are peoples that will take the statistics of the visitors and perhaps it will be publish on web or national news media.


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