Thursday, October 30, 2008

how did I survive in the boring meeting

I've confessed. I was bored and felt sleepy in today's meeting. How did I've survived. I've conducted another meeting with my-next-seat colleagues and this...
Then I began to concentrated but for a few minutes hatred puked!

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Unexpected accident

Due to heavy rain and flood in Bukit Merah, Dam authority at Temenggor and Chenderoh Dam has decided to open and release the water in order to avoid over-flowing containment of water in the dam. Because of that, every villages in Perak Tengah especially in Kg. Gajah area got flooded including my grandparent's house. My mum called me at noon on last Friday to inform me regarding the matter which caused the cancellation of our family's vacation at PD. The flood level has been low during my emergency visit to the kampung. The quick visit with my junior caused me to take emergency off just to make sure if there any necessary action should be taken and the level of water. Luckily the water level is only at an ankle level of normal 5' 3" human, but at other kampung the water level is at knee. My junior was very excited to had a change experienced the small flood and play with the water accompanied by his grandma. It's hilarious and he almost didn't want to go back to TM.
Old folks always said picture can give you a thousand word and seeing is believing. Here are some photo of the incident occurred.

Unexpected thing happened in the journey to location, while cruising the flood area, my front plate was missing! I didn't notice it at first. But one of the local boy which from the kampung where I cruised my terios, told me about this. I don't believe it so I ignored what have been told. Arrived at my grandparent's house, I quickly check the plate, and it is gone with the frame. How unlucky me! And what a lousy job of Perodua sales because the screws still attached to the bumper kit which means the plate was attached using double tape. What the f***!!

There are 3 flood area that I've cruised through, and probably at the first location (village at Spg Ulu Dedap) my plate went somewhere else, where I roamed with 2nd gear and swift. And the new plate with the frame cost me RM 44.00.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Assignment Tertunggak

Alhamdulillah, feeling relieved. And perhaps I can put smile on my face. Just finished couple of assignment that I owed my lecturer. Suppose there was only one report that I have to finish. But unfortunately, my partner left the presentation sheet in the classroom and made me to construct another presentation kit. I hate this kind of attitude, I hate to did the same thing twice and I hate to do others people job.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cerita Hari Raya

Cerita Hari Raya I
Bagi saya hari raya tahun ini tidak begitu menceriakan. Bukan pasal cuti atau sambutan, malah bukan pasai bonus raya yang terpaksa dikorbankan. Saya terpaksa memendekkan post ini disebabkan kemalasan saya. Jelas bahawa badi malas akibat demam bermula pada hari raya ke-3 masih ada lagi. Harap maaf, kerana tidak ader cerita hari raya II - IV.