Monday, December 1, 2008

Belasungkawa - Nik Farah Syuhaniz (1975 - 2008)

Bismillahirahmannirrahim - In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

[Ayat : 2]
Praise be to Allah, the Lord who safeguards and governs the entire worlds.

[Ayat : 3]
Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

[Ayat : 4]
Master of the Day of Judgment (the Hereafter).

[Ayat : 5]
It is You alone (O! Allah) we worship, and to You alone we look for help.

[Ayat : 6]
Guide us to the Straight Path.

[Ayat : 7]
The path of those on whom You bestowed Your eternal grace, not (the path) of those who invited Your wrath, nor those who have gone astray.

Sesuatu yang amat memeranjatkan saya apabila mendengar pembaca berita Buletin Utama TV3 membacakan berita mengenai kemalangan yang menimpa 4 orang kakitangan Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Negeri kelantan. Lantaran salah seorang mangsa adalah Nik Farah Shanis (kesilapan ejaan nama di muka akhbar dan berita). Hati saya masih lagi tertanya-tanya apakah benar berita yang disampaikan. Apabila mengingatkan yang Farah telah bertukar ke Kelantan. Barangkali benar, barangkali bukan. Dua orang rakan saya, Roszaida dan Akiza telah menghantar sms mengesahkan lagi kebarangkalian yang tersirat di hati. Malahan melihat suratkhabar hari ini, ianya benar. Farah yang saya kenal, bekas classmate sewaktu menuntut di UiTM, warga INFO96 telah kembali ke Rahmatullah. Al-Fatihah buat Farah dari warga INFO96.
Farah or Nik Farah Syuhaniz, as far as I know is a child with a smile in her face, always cheering everyone near her. A kelantanese, and a classmate that have tight relation with akiza, ainun, and raihan. Maybe I'm not close to her but with a smile that always showed to us, is something that will made I remember her.
It was a another sad story in our life especially for INFO96. We will miss u.
For more story about Farah just follow this link below:


  1. ehh jap ko ni zaid ke???
    eerkkk apsal aku tatau ko ada blog???

  2. blah la zaid..pemalu kunun..nanti aku update link kat blog aku, link geng info..siot je ko...

    anyway, i'll always remember ko as one of my best fren lelaki, selain fizi... coz kita rock!!!

    gila nyanyi lagu kurt cobain lupa lirik...

  3. kes lupa lirik tu lah yg korg ingat...
