Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Behind the walls

Sapa boleh teka kat maner taman yang menghadap tasik ni?

Ini adalah taman di belakang Stesen Minyak Petronas berhampiran Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Seri Iskandar. Tak percaya?

Engagement ..._:}

Engagement of my lil-sister in-law on 12 December 2009 and wedding is set on chinese new year 2010. Woooah................

My father and mother in law have a shot with their soon-to-be son in law, Azrul.

The families of Azrul. Takin photo together with my father and mother in law.

The bride soon-to-be smiling.....

Another shot with Azrul and his twin brother. Flash was not out during this shot.

The dulang hantaran....I don't know why I'm took this shot.

Friday, December 4, 2009


FB saya hampir mati. Dan saya fikir saya ingin release atau delete FB saya sebab rasanyer tak larat nak maintain blog dan FB secara serentak. Lagipun saya bukannya pengguna tegar. Rasa-rasa anda, elok ke kalau dilupuskan saja FB tu dari dunia maya?