Monday, August 6, 2007

Man In Black

"Kenapa kau tak buat blog kau background hitam", my friend asked, after browsed my blog. He was called Janggut (not real name), an ustaz at primary school."Kau punya trademark hitam, waktu sekolah dulu kau asyik pakai hitam jer. Kalau hitam cantik apa?" is beautiful. Black mean firm. But people always misconcept about black. Black mean hell, evil and anything horrible and demonic activities and etc, etc.

Have you guys recalled the spiderman 3 movie. The scene when he was infiltrated with the aliens element. He became spiderman with black suit. This is horrible. My terios is black. It doesn't mean I'm bad either.'s time for Bleach. It's really annoying when TV3 change the broadcast time for this anime. From 11.00 pm to 12.30 pm. Stupid.

And for answer is "Tak de tempalte blog yang warna hitam. Aku nak buat camne." He..he..


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