Monday, September 3, 2007

Surviving in the highway

Last week, memang terjadi satu perkara yang aku benci (one of) iaitu jam di highway. Kenapa aku terlibat di dalam kancah yang aku sebut? Sebabnya, mahu atau tak aku kena jugak ke kelas pada petang tu, disebabkan aku belum present research title aku.

Waktu aku on the way ke kelas aku yang terletak di puncak perdana, banyak kenderaan dah mula banyak menghala ke utara. Parah!!!....kata aku. Mesti jam balik nanti. Telahan aku memang betul. Semasa aku nak menyusur keluar dari GCE, aku dah nampak deretan kereta bergerak perlahan dengan kelajuan 50 km/h kalau tak silap aku.

Later, after class, my lecturer asked me about the traffic condition. I've said, it's ok, if we are heading south. But it will get worst if we are heading north.
Than she said, it was your route back to Tg. Malim.
Yepp, I reply, and that was what I have to face. The traffic move at the speed of 50 km/h starting from Rawang Selatan to Exit to Rawang. After the exit, the speed has increased to 60 km/h. I'll do feel relieve. But not for long, a few minutes later, we going back to 50. I got to increase speed to 80 km/h whenever we approached Bukit Beruntung Exit.

And then we come to the worst part. It suddenly swiftly the traffic turn to 40-50 km/h. I think you can imagine how my adrenaline went. My left hand was at the hand brake, if the disc brake do not working perfectly. But I'll manage to get few photos, unfortunately the photo didn't look well. Need to get a digital camera with anti-shake ability. Perhaps, after bonus this year.


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