Thursday, April 24, 2008

Competitive intelligent report

Pening kepala hotak aku buat benda ni. Malah maklumat yang diperlukan memang amat kurang, so aku terpaksa bergantung kepada news dan juga pengetahuan aku tentang senario IT market kat Malaysia. Malah aku juga cuba found out melalui bloggers orang-orang yang terlibat dalam IT industri di Malaysia.


The exhausting day to be called off. Due to the lack of energy, made me sleep after maghrib. That last long till 10.00 pm. After took dinner around 10.30 (no wonder my abs are evolving), beginning to formulate for the assignment. Six references on competitive intelligence makes me want to shoot myself. How can i absorb everything i need to prepare a slide and present it in short period of time?


Sometimes I wonder, what is the prefect life people wondering about? Any comment is very well delighted.


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