Friday, November 28, 2008

My To Do List If I'm The Boss of The Department

What will I do if I become the bossz. Well I have to do list to begin with.

1. Fully systematized knowledge management system for my department.
2. Decreased the number of staff for technical division.
- Combining the division is more appropriate.
3. Establish the specific division for digital library development.
4. More people for the service department.
5. Hire the attractive staff (must be lovely lady!) for the front liner.
6. Get more IT people working with IS people and LS people.
7. Reduced the number of female staffs. There are 60% of them. This is ridiculous.
8. No more personal computer for every staffs. Thin client rulez!!

P/S : I wish...I wish...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The nature of librarians you should know.

Librarians are busy busy people. They spend almost of their time looking after other people, usually in the confines of their own spaces, whether they are called libraries, learning resources centre or something similar to that. They have to do many aspects of the job includings managing the libraries from the stock, budget, library environments, the stupid stakeholders and also managing noise (includes the buzzing from stakeholders).

On top of that, they also have to support the students, teach them how to use the library and the resources provided for them, dealing with their enquiries and manage their special needs (for special students only). The most that make the librarians grow older everyday is supporting the academic staffs. Starting with the liasing the academics, library commitees till encouraging the academics to use resource-based learning effectively.

But still, in my environment, the librarians is underestimated by those we called the stakeholders! After all we do have one priority to uphold, entertaining the dummies...he..he..he.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The commuter is coming to town!

This photo was taken by colleague while on our way having lunch at KFC. It seems the KTMB people had conducted the testing for the commuter before it is open for the public.
Get ready people, we get ourselves another means of transport!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New synd on the blog!

The new blog on the block has arise. What drive me ? The need to share with others the things I love and gathered. It is a knowledge sharing. And perhaps after this resource sharing. Am addicted to blogging? Consider it as yes. It is some way for to shoot my thoughts and feeling toward things that happened every day around me. In my workplace, home or even scenario on the street. Everything that occurred around us will triggered thought and also emotions. This is because very action has a reaction, it is a law of physics.
So, the new blog called infotechgeek. Consider it as a place for me to share about technology, automotive, my music selection or may be some babe attack! It's all everything happened around me, mostly workplace and also for me to share my curiosity and wisdom (he..he..he). I'll start the post with my passionate towards the sequal of Fast and Furious and then followed by my interest in RFID includes solution, hardware and the applications. Well, enough said. Just check it out at

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Is friendship last forever?

Ever wondered how this phrase appeared in our life? For the past 30 years, I always question myself. Is it true a friendship can last forever? Time past slowly and sometime swiftly, in some way, we meet people that encounter our life. We build the link with the people. The link we call friendship. And after that, we take another route in our life and we meet other people. We founded a new link, we abandon the previous one. The cycle keeps going again and again. No sense of foreverness in the friendship yet is only the cycle that last forever.
p/s where are you my friends?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Eating and Idea Spray Session

Kali ini kami dapat berhimpun semula, part 04 of IS 772 student. Namun sedikit kekecewaan, kami tak cukup korum. Hanya kami sahaja yang menyertai sesi kali ini - Rina, Hasnah, Zali, Ita, SJ, Suhana dan aku.
It's ok. Yang hadir kali ini pun berupaya memberikan idea dan pandangan masing-masing. Masing-masing orang yang hebat.
Sesi dimulakan dengan makan-makan with everyone bring the plate. Salah satu sesi yang aku rasa amat penting untuk memastikan minda dapat bercambah untuk melontar idea bagi sesi forum MLS yang akan diadakan this coming Saturday.
Even though aku tak dapat hadir disebabkan konvokesyen anak aku, aku perlu bagi input jugak. Sedih jugak tak dapat hadir. Walaupun spokeperson telah dilantik, namun yang lain-lain pun boleh bagi input yang bernas.
Apa yang dirancang, lain pulak yang jadi. Sesi idea spray hanya berlangsung 30 min jer...dengan yang lain-lain dah rasa tak sedap duduk sebab nak balik. Ini semua sebab sesi bual bicara dengan coordinator program yang bawak citer-citer yang hangat dalam dunia kerja aku....bayangkan kami mula session jam 8.00 pm, tapi brainstorming session untuk forum mula jam 10.00 pm.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

From S to M

I just received a call from a lady friend who married a guy from Sarawak. She did informed me the shocking news of all. "You may be don't believe this but I'm no longer in S services, " she said.
"you're saying?"
"I'm jumped into PTD." She said it with a laughing tone.
"Now you have similar job with K.A.?" I asked her.
"Since when..."
"Since you come to Kuching last year. I'm no longer worked at IPG anymore."
"Whoooa...," I still surprised with the news.

Another shocking news for me, when I received an email from my ex-classmate. One of my close friend has promoted to 44th Grade. This is great for him...I told myself. Calming the heat that will rise internally. It's lucky for only 5 years and got promoted as a reward for being a pioneer and help developing the resource centre which he worked for.

But for me? Believe me, I really feel demotivated myself.
I'm tired thinking the best for the organization, making paper works, proposals on how to upgrade the services or facilities. I also tired waiting for the management changes. And probably tired with almost everything.
The thing I really need right now is a reward to myself. To boost me back.
Tired...I'm really tired.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

私は猫嫌い - watashiwa neko daikirai

I declared war among cats. From a person who adore cats, I've turn to hate. If y'all handling to much cats, you'll be in my position. They wrecked everything. From my wife's flower port and flowers (the flowers is dead because they tend to slept on it) and my latest collection of cactus. And on top of that, they leave scratches on my Terios, acted like the beast is their playground.

I can't take this anymore. My brother and mother love to picked up a stray cats and fed all the cats that came to my house. And the worst thing is, the cats lived there as my house is their house too.

I've asked them to put the cats somewhere else, but they ignored me especially my moron brother. To y'all who interest with the domestic cat, do feel free to contact me and pick up the cats for free.

I can't stand it anymore. Feel like to shoot someone or something.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Hijrah is an Arabic word that the same meaning with migrate or transfers or in simple word going somewhere else. There is time where my wife and I discussed about this matters. Not seriously but sometimes the thought of hijrah coming to me. I've been in this institution almost ten years. 8 years for exact. For the past 8 years, I've been wondered what are my contribution to myself and others? Was it worth? Was it recognized by others?

For the past 8 years, many of my friends with the same batch gained some achievements for themselves. Most of them got the promotions which gained the title sr. for their positions from 41 to 44 and some of them got 48 instead. Some lucky people only worked about 5 - 6years only. Me...I'm still low level middle management.

One of my staff, luckily got a new job near at his family's residence. Don't have to worry about commuting more then 1 hours of journey anymore.

And one of my friends got promoted from technician to technical assistant at another office at another town. That mean goodbye to this institution.

And two of my ex - classmates (Info96) has promoted to senior officer which they also work at the same field as mine.

So what will it be...? I don't know. Sometimes I hate the horse shit management in my office. Work like hell and what u get...don't even want to say it.
